Visiting Leipzig

Leipzig is a vibrant modern city with a rich jewish history and active community that offers visitors a wide spectrum of activites. 
Here you can combine enjoying the city with finding out more about your ancestors and history. 

While visiting jewish Leipzig you have access the following ressources:

  • Cemeteries 

Old jewish cemetery - Berliner Straße 123, 04129 Leipzig

New jewish cemetery - Delitzscher Str. 224, 04129 Leipzig

opening times in winter: Sunday trough Thursday: 9am - 4pm and Friday: 9am - 2pm
opening times in summer: Sunday trough Thursday: 8am - 5pm and Friday: 9am - 4pm

  • Kosher Food - kosher store & catering Löhrstr. 10, opened Thursday 5-6pm and Friday 10-11am or contact 01797718746

  • Hospitality - if you are staying in Leipzig for Shabbat or jewish Holidays there is an option to join the community for meals, please contact for details

Please consider donation to our community. You can do it over palpal using this link